Monday, June 30, 2008

It was my birthday...

..and I rode on a cow.

I wish I had a photo to share with you, but it was a totally spontaneous event that I wasn't expecting at all, and definitely couldn't have planned for.

Before you get too excited, it wasn't a real cow, but two people in costume. The poor guy who was the back half of the cow unexpectedly had to bear the weight of the two other birthday girls at a birthday party for a friend of ours.

Overall, it was a good day. It was, after all, my golden birthday: 28 years on the 28th of June. There was lots of lying around, doing not much of anything, movie watching, present receiving, basically whatever I felt like doing. It was very nice.

James made reservations for us to have dinner at a place in Dornoch called Luigi's. It's not Italian, as you would expect from the name, but just a mix of different types of dishes. James had a steak, I had some fish. Delicious.

We got home and two of our girls (high school aged) came by with a cake they had made for me. It was a chocolate double layer cake with homemade chocolate icing. YUM. We ate some and hung out with them for a bit.

Then we attended the above mentioned 18th birthday party of a friend. That's where the cow riding happened.

It's kinda bizarre to be getting closer to 30, because, wow that seems a lot older than how I feel. Seriously, I feel like I'm 22. Maybe it's partly because our job includes hanging out with high school kids all the time? But I don't so much mind getting older because I really am enjoying my life.

Ask me again at 30, I might have something different to say about getting older when I hit that milestone.

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