Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We've Moved!

Since the Murphy family will be moving on Saturday (hallelujah, Praise Jesus, our days as River City Real Estate tenants are almost over!) I thought this blog might like a new home as well.

Here's where you can find us.

Please excuse the dust as I spruce up the new place.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being free of River City Real Estate! I rented from thos scumbags for three years. worst renting experience of my life.

I'm Jennifer said...

You poor thing, my heart goes out to you. You rented 3 years from River City!?! That must have been horrible beyond words. I'm all about helping others not make the same mistake we did!

Matthew Anderson said...

Well, this is just wow! I have not read such beautiful and informative article in the recent past. Keep up the good work. Much appreciated!
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