We saw a bunch of wildlife during the week. How cute are these highland cows; especially the little babies!
This little guy's mom died during childbirth so he's being cared for by the people who work on the Alladale Reserve. I just wanted to cuddle him and bury my face in his furry coat. But then I realized he probably had a bunch of ticks that would jump on me and suck my blood. (But don't worry, some ticks decided to attach themselves to me another time during the week. yuck.)
One morning we woke up to a heard of highland cows taking over our camp and trying to get into our food.
We fed some horses,
And got really stinkin' close to some stags
The whole time I was thinking, "My dad would so love this." Meanwhile, the kids are like, "Stag, schmag. What's next, I'm bored"
One day, the kids learned about teamwork while scaling a pretty intense rock face (that big patch of boulders in the middle of the photo). We all warned the climbers behind us of "wobbly rocks" about a bajillion times.
The rocks, post climb.
Replacing the trees that used to cover Scotland's landscape before the devastation that happened to the people of Scotland during the Highland Clearances is a focus of the people who run the reserve we camped on. In the span of about 4 hours, the 22 kids planted 300 trees. My co-chaperone and I were sure to do our part: we planted a whopping 6 trees and made sure to get it on film.
There was also fly fishing that day, but no one in my group was successful so I'll just omit those photos of failure.
There was much hiking, and a few times we carried all of our earthly possessions (that we had during the week) on our backs. Those were the days I was grateful for the mild Scottish climate.
The view across a Loch at our campsite (those blue tents on the right) and the summit we were about to hike up (the highest point on the left side of the photo).
At the summit
Looking down from the summit at our itty bitty tents. Can you barely make them out? Look to the left of the Loch about 1/3 of the way from the bottom edge of the water.
On the last night, some person who must have been an angel let me borrow their midge net, it was a lifesaver.
We agreed to remove them for just enough time to get a photo of our faces, but not a second longer!
One final photo of the beautiful landscape. I promise, no more references to the camping trip, at least for a few months.
The cows are SO CUTE!
omg, i do want to move to scotland. haha. you've convinced me!
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